Friday, July 2, 2010


What an incredible year.

At our fall conference we wrote down our hopes and dreams for Will in kindergarten.

Yoga Dad wanted Will to enjoy school and learning.

Teacher Mom wanted him to master the skills necessary to be ready for first grade.
We both wanted him to make a diverse group of friends.

I think the most important thing Will (and I) got out of kindergarten was something neither of us could have anticipated or dreamed of.

Will learned that he is the only one who can place limits on his success.

He spent the better part of the year telling me he was going to read at a level 30 by the end of the year, to which I responded with more "reasonable" goals and reminders that meant lots of practicing home. Like the monkey bars, I had a idea of what was reasonable and possible and it wasn't the same as Will's idea. Guess who was right?

Maybe everything you need to know about parenting you learn when they are in kindergarten. Provide them with structure, a safe warm place to learn, fruits and veggies, and a damn good kindergarten teacher and get out of their way.
Thank you Mrs. R-H for an amazing start to school!

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