Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

The boys in their Valentine shirts.
Our "heartbreaker" and our "handsome little devil" reading Snuggle Puppy.
Me and my Valentine on our first date-Prom 1996. That was during Mike's bald phase. One of the other parents asked him how his treatments were going. I'm glad he's grown out of that.
Our 14th Valentine's Day-skiing at Welch

We've lived in Minnesota for 10 years now, with our closest relatives over 300 miles away. Since our family is the target demographic of this blog, I will say that there no positives and only negatives to living far away from your family. One of those negatives is finding people to guilt/pay to watch your children so you can have time together. My sister Bridget moved to Chicago a little over a month ago and asked when she could come for a visit. I sarcastically suggested Valentine's Day so Mike and I could go out and she jumped on it! She came on Thursday night, went to Riverside with us on Friday and volunteered for Will's Valentine's Day party and then watched the boys all day Saturday while Mike and I went skiing. It was FANTASTIC! We had a great day, Will tested the boundaries of having Auntie B in charge and between her day of babysitting and afternoon in a kindergarten classroom we have provided her with free birth control. Aunt Franny is moving to Des Moines in a few weeks and we can't wait!

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