Collin Michael
18 months
Height: 32 inches (42%ile)
Weight: 23 lbs 12 oz (22%ile)
Head: 18 3/4 inches (46%ile)
Our sweet little Baby C is 18 months old. I may have mentioned before how different it has been for us the second time around. I feel like all of Will's "milestone" ages were carefully planned for and professionally documented. Collin turning 18 months went something like this:
Monday: Well-child check
Tuesday-Friday: Normal hectic week
Saturday: Pick Collin up from Kids Care at the gym to discover a RAGING case of pink-eye. In the car on the way to Mayo Express Care try to determine if Collin is 18 months old (minimum age to be seen) yet. Never registers that I took him for his 18 month well child check 5 days earlier.
Sunday: Go to blog Collin's 18 month stats and realize the most current picture I have of him is a month old. Take pictures. Email photographer about setting up a sitting over spring break.
I tell myself that our laid back approach will be good for him. Fingers crossed!